The technological progress brings significant benefits for companies and individuals alike, facilitates the collection and transfer of essential data, enables new services & operations, making work processes easier and allowing safer work methods; however, as any benefit may often involve risks, it turnes out that advancing in the digital age can also give rise to risks for companies.
Almaj, Iordache understands the need to protect its clients in this area. Our team promptly intervenes to both prevent any risk derived from data processing activities and to repair/minimize the effects of non-compliant processing, when appropriate.
Companies need to be fully aware of their responsibility for the data they collect. The consequences of a superficial approach to this sensitive issue can be devastating, such as compromising sensitive data, affecting the company's business, losing customers and bad reputation, civil & criminal liability and even bankruptcy.
Almaj, Iordache’s clients benefit of the following services in the data privacy & security sector:
• Cease and desist letters and responses
• Data processing agreements
• Data protection policies and procedures under GDPR
• Data protection and information security matters, both pre and post breach
• Employee and financial privacy
• Legal assistance in GDPR & NIS directives matters
• Privacy and security policies
• Procedures regarding data security breach or incidents (planning and prevention) and further official reporting
• Risk assessments etc.
May 22 , 2019
Short description about what is in this article. It’s a really important and really eloquent description and it does a good job of describing the article, in a simple and clear manner which can vertically extend based on need and is not in a fixed vertical size. Thus it can nicely and uniformly maintain a visual pleasing, consistent and clean design throughout the entire blog-like interface of the Knowledge interface webpage of the Almaj website.
The technological progress brings significant benefits for companies and individuals alike, facilitates the collection and transfer of essential data, enables new services & operations, making work processes easier and allowing safer work methods; however, as any benefit may often involve risks, it turnes out that advancing in the digital age can also give rise to risks for companies.
Almaj, Iordache understands the need to protect its clients in this area. Our team promptly intervenes to both prevent any risk derived from data processing activities and to repair/minimize the effects of non-compliant processing, when appropriate.
Companies need to be fully aware of their responsibility for the data they collect. The consequences of a superficial approach to this sensitive issue can be devastating, such as compromising sensitive data, affecting the company's business, losing customers and bad reputation, civil & criminal liability and even bankruptcy.
Almaj, Iordache’s clients benefit of the following services in the data privacy & security sector:
• Cease and desist letters and responses
• Data processing agreements
• Data protection policies and procedures under GDPR
• Data protection and information security matters, both pre and post breach
• Employee and financial privacy
• Legal assistance in GDPR & NIS directives matters
• Privacy and security policies
• Procedures regarding data security breach or incidents (planning and prevention) and further official reporting
• Risk assessments etc.
May 22 , 2019
Short description about what is in this article. It’s a really important and really eloquent description and it does a good job of describing the article, in a simple and clear manner which can vertically extend based on need and is not in a fixed vertical size. Thus it can nicely and uniformly maintain a visual pleasing, consistent and clean design throughout the entire blog-like interface of the Knowledge interface webpage of the Almaj website.